-Kudi Msughter
I remember eons ago before mortals came,we gods sat conclaves at the centre of each sphere and understood the simple fact that energy was a currency of the Earth.
Vibrations and Resonace were our words,Frequencies were rendezvous for correspondence.
I was there; floating,formless in the dark deep, when black holes began to form and stars appeared in a bleak sky.
I was there when time itself had no name.
This vessel I wear of human flesh is a cocoon that rots as the wickedness of time slowly degrades it
I have lived countless lives and countless names; I've seen empires rise and crumble into dust and ash,
I've risen mighty kings and seen them reduced to bone and sand.
It was from nothing that we formed the mountains and rose it into the clouds,
It was from a roaring voice we made thunder.
From the sand I called up trees and scattered their seeds into endless winds.
From one spark, a luminous infinity emerged
From one spark, a continuous saga of lightening
From one drop, the oceans
My silver arrow,I turned into the rain.
My breath,I gave the gust and winds
I was there,I am here,I'll be there.
I am as old as time; my soul.
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