"How do you keep your feelings inside while you are looking outside?",a question posed by one of South Africa's leading figures in the entertainment industry,we will shortly establish how this can be achieved but let's first understand what emotions are and the role they play in our lives."Emotions are mental states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure",in more simpler terms they are reactional responses to external information meaning they are very subjected to external factors if not controlled or mastered.Our minds are hard wired to give emotions the upper hand,everything you see,smell,taste and touch travels through your body as information that passes from cell to cell until it reaches the ultimate destination which is your brain,it enters your brain at the base near the spinal cord,but must travel to your frontal lobe (behind your forehead) before reaching the place where rational,logical thinking takes place.The trouble is it passes through your limbic system along the way (the place where emotions are produced),therefore this means we experience things emotionally before our reason kicks in,making it difficult to suppress our emotions and not be reactional to them.
Our emotions are not meant to rule us,they are there to alert us as to allow proper responses to be made,there is a fine line between emotional intelligence and emotional foolishness and it's time taken to digest information as to allow understanding and reason to kick in and allow a proper handling of whatever situation one may be in,"let everyman be quick to hear and slow to speak and slow to anger..."(James 1:19),emotional intelligence is in the patience to allow information sieve in your brain and travel full circle to the part in your brain where logical thinking is activated,everytime you see someone have an irrational or emotional response to something know they were not patient enough to allow the information they recieved reach where it can be rationalized or made logical,or they simply do not have anything in them that can rationalize the information and allow discretion (the ability to make wise choices or decisions) because we cannot and must not lean unto our understanding with whatever we are dealing with,there has to be a higher authority that is inherent ordering our steps and influencing how we respond to things.When we subject our emotions to His Word,we not only achieve having power over our emotions but also power over whatever situation we are going through.
The Word Of God gives us discretion,and therefore it's the highest authority that must rule over our lives,God is His Word and He responds to His Word,most of our prayers are unanswered because we want to relate with God from a point of feeling and emotion,this does not denounce the fact that God can respond to someone's needs even from their point of ignorance but His Word is the ultimate rule of engaging with Him.Because He is sovereign,the word sovereign among other definitions means not being subjected to any external factors,it means being ruled from what is inside without the interference of what is outside,that's how God operates,which is why it's difficult to make him move through emotions and feelings.Since we are made in His own image and likeness that's how we are to operate if our to be liberated from control of our emotions.
Emotional intelligence is rapidly becoming a very sought after attribute in the world we live in today,recent studies are showing and proving how it is more valuable than IQ,as a result we are seeing most 1st world countries incorporate it in their educational systems as to tighten their grip over the power they already possess if not to get more,but besides all that it's an essential for living and to allow peace within and outside of us,something if we all could strive towards attaining as to better our relationships with fellow humans and allow us co-exist with one another,it's something you can slowly work on mastering as most of us are not born with it.The eye is never tired of seeing and the ear is not filled of hearing,there is so much happening around us on a daily,there so much information out there both positive and negative looking to cause reactions out of us and we will continually fall to it until we master the art of dealing with our emotions.
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