Rewards, at times, can be fickle.
When I saw this topic, I thought to myself, what an interesting one as it is one I have often wondered of myself.
Is there a line to be drawn when it comes to rewards, I wonder? When should it be decided that one is deserving or worthy of anything? Is it not enough to be given a reward for being alive and making it this far, but, this might not be a completely true line of thought, as everyone cannot be given rewards, it would disregard its relevance, so it is more appreciated, when rewards are often accompanied by great feats or relevance before people in an extraordinary way.
It is interesting that I write this now, as I hope to submit it and win a reward as well. A reward for my work, but when does it stop? How oft will we do the same thing over and over again?
It is important to note still, that rewards have never really excited me. For example, I was promised a certain amount for every "A" gotten by a family member, yet I never really pursued after it as I didn't have a drive of my own yet.
A deserving reward for my efforts will be to really live, not minding what the world has to say. To be free and express myself without fear. Without the need to be careful or cut back. Without the need to be a person necessarily known for minding her business.
I do not mind poking my nose in the business of others if I will feel satisfied by it, if it makes my day bright and full.
Rewards and the different meanings they take on.
I wonder which I should choose.
Do I reward myself, in my own way? Or
Do I let others decide my fate in the name of a reward?
Which will you choose?
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