The thing in your chest
Ernest Rademene-Joseph
Ernest Rademene-Joseph
a year ago

One day the thing in your chest will grow so big to a point that it'll weigh you down,

And then you'll need all the help you can get but your voice will be loudest amongst the crowd;

You won't be heard or maybe you would, but no one will care

And then you pray to him for answers and you'll get none or maybe you might, but you just don't know how he speaks.

One day the thing in your chest will become bigger than you and slowly you'll drown,

And the funny part is you never learnt how to swim, so this thing on your chest will weigh you down and will leave you at the bottom of the ocean where you'll never be seen;

you were gone even before you died.

One day the thing in your chest will grow so big to the point where you can't breathe even when locked in a room filled with oxygen,

Then you become suicidal and only the notes will speak for you because you've lost your voice;

Solitude will then become your companion.

You've learnt how to survive at the depth of the ocean, inshort you became the ocean because you're now drowning in your own thoughts.

One day the thing in your chest will grow so big and then you'll realize that the best way not to be defeated is to defeat yourself,

You'll then put your life at stake and try beating death at his own game, trying to take your life before he gets it first and it'll only seems fair because at this point the best way to end this thing on your chest from growing is to end with it.

So one day you'll get to party with death and take the chill pill,

But then this pill wouldn't be chilling you

Then you realize the escape plan was the main plan from the onset;

The very reason for the thing in your chest, And then you'll discover that the only person you've played was yourself

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