Dear Man
Anita Ima Samson
Anita Ima Samson
a year ago

Dear man,

I remember when you held me in your lap and told me I was your favourite girl

You taught me how to iron a suit trousers and I think that has been a valuable skill

I just didn't like you anymore after you made my mother cry and killed my hero worship

Still, I think about you sometimes

Dear man,

No one ever made me feel this type of way before

This love and hate

Okay... maybe that isn't true

What do you mean by I should belong to only you when you belong to everyone else?

It's quite lonely because you're never with just me

You never see me as anything but a toy,

Not your most precious one at least

What do you mean by you don't love me but I ought to love you?

Dear man,

You are all the imperfect and the most perfect for me

I like that you kiss me to wake me up

And you hold me in your lap and tell me I am your favourite girl

I believe you because you belong to me and not everybody else

And you love me , and I love you.

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