Goodness Kosarachi
Goodness Kosarachi
10 months ago


What if I told you I wish I was never born

What if I told you that I am more closer 

To the dark than I am with my family 

What if I told you that my stoop back

Is not because of pride or bad posture 

But as a result of broken bones.

What if I told you that I learned how to gnash my teeth

And yell uncle please stop!

Before I could even recite the alphabet 

What if I told you that it took one thrust 

To shatter my trust in humanity

Right before I knew the real meaning of the word ‘trust’.

What if I told you that I lost my pride 

Even before I knew what virginity means

What if I told you that this flower was stolen and bruised right before it could sprout up 

What if I told you that I had no chance to enjoy my innocence.

What if I told you that my childhood memories were chaotic, dramatic and traumatic.

The pains weren’t my fault 

But it’s my duty to heal from the pains


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