August Umoh
August Umoh
10 months ago


It's been a while.

It’s quiet and I like it.

I had to really pause and review myself and my life because constantly being busy doing something does not necessarily equate to being productive – most times I find myself exhausted at the end of the day yet completely unfulfilled. I saw a quote yesterday that pretty much sums this up: “I have so much to do today that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer” – Martin Luther King.

I think this is a really brilliant way to think. I have started to slow down, cut down on social media time and now I don’t wake up in the morning and immediately roll over to check notifications. I reply to as many messages as I can and those I cannot, I leave them and instruct myself not to feel guilty. I read books a lot more, I journal, I'm learning to spend more time with GOD, I work on some of my personal projects, I call or talk to whoever GOD instructs me to per time and I take time to listen.

Phew! I'm learning to just sit close to a window and listen to the silence. Sometimes GOD has words in it for me, sometimes He doesn’t.

I have noticed that these little conscious decisions I’ve made have really brought peace on the inside and keeps me centred everyday. Making GOD the centre of my day gives me clarity and direction. I don’t get caught up in the rat race and yet I’m gaining momentum and ground because I get very specific instructions on things to do that separates me from the crowd, through leadings and promptings that give me results I never expected.

But it’s not always sunshine and roses and I don’t mind because difficult situations contribute in shaping me into the woman GOD created me to be. For instance, the moments I have been without an income has forced me to be financially literate and to develop a savings and investment culture – it has also caused me to think, to be creative and has expanded my capacity. It has taught me to delay gratification and pleasures and to work towards a secure future.

There are many other difficult situations in my life but I welcome them because they stretch me and only make me more beautiful. I look at myself and when I see all I have done and the people I have met at my young age, I thank GOD in my heart. These things were born out of difficulties. It makes me more responsible.

I lean on GOD more than ever these days because I’m aware of just how weak I am on my own. How many times a day do I whisper, “Spirit of GOD, help me. I cannot do anything on my own. Please help me.” I cannot count. I am happy to be pushed beyond my comfort zones because it has been a catalyst for growth.

I simply pray that time would do that for me when the results show. I’m currently comfortable, enjoying life as I slow down and take it all in. There is still so much more to learn and so much to become, but I am committed to the process.

How are you? How is your 'process' going?

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