Searching seriously secures success
Meaning: Searching without giving up leads to success
Action activates reactions
Meaning: Action leads to reactions
Silence suppresses silly statement
Meaning: Silence is the best reaction to ridiculous behaviours
Peace perfects presentable opinion
Meaning: A calm mind does a better presentation
Persistence peace promotes progress
Meaning: Regular peace supports progress
Time turns tough troubles to triumphant tales
Meaning : Patience and resiliency leads to victory
Finest fortune fixes famous fates
Meaning: Best riches support great talent
Triumphant trumpets turns trial to testimonies
Meaning: Keeping hope alive makes way for success
Firm foundation fixes fine fortunes
Meaning: Solid beginning helps in ensuring bright future
Beautiful ball bounces bountifully
Meaning: Good ones are known by their actions.
Trials toughens troubled minds
Meaning: Bad times help in talent discovery
Fine farmers fight famine ferociously
Meaning: Fine managers fight for the success of their businesses .
Pictures preserve precious memories
Meaning: Pictures are important
Cheerful cheek changes challenging times
Meaning: Faith changes bad times
Truth trims tall fallacies
Meaning: Truth will always triumph over lies
Cool cash calms crazy conducts
Meaning: Good money cuts down disrespect .
Fanciful farmers fetch for their crops
Meaning: Nice managers cater for their subjects
Eagles echo endless capabilites
Meaning: Intelligent persons display many skills.
Fine flowers fix falling foundation
Meaning: Faithful wives support their husbands especially during difficult times.
Faithful faces find fertile future
Meaning: Trustworthy persons find bright future
Deeper diggers discover digni!ed depth
Meaning: Hardworking without losing hope pays well
Right route reassures refined future
Meaning: Right choices ensure better future
Golden goal getters give up comfort zone
Meaning : Real achievers give up every form of comfort until success is achieved
Cry creatively and conquer completely
Meaning: Allow your failures to bring out the best in you
Difficult depth dissolves desperate times
Meaning : Bad time brings out hidden personal talent when positively handled
Asking accordingly activates awesome favours
Meaning: Asking wisely and politely opens favourable opportunities
Precise presentation promotes bountiful sales
Meaning: Straight to the point presentation boosts sales
Genuine generosity generates giant successes
Meaning: True help leads to real success
Simplicity samples salient characters
Meaning: Humility brings out the best in human beings
Tough times trains soft minds
Meaning: Positively weak minds are toughened by hard times.
Sweet songs sink sorrowful memories
Meaning: Good music refreshes a troubled soul
Wise waiters wear smiling faces
Meaning: Looking for success? Be patient and wear a ‘laughing face’
Rough riders risk red ankles
Meaning: Carelessness leads to accidents and mistakes
Fresh fruit fixes fallen tissues
Meaning: Fresh fruit helps quick recovery
Right responses resolve resilient conflcts
Meaning: Wise words settle difficult conflicts.
Delay doubles consequences
Meaning: Delay is dangerous
Famous friendship find favourable opportunities
Meaning: Good friends help each other succeed
Super struggles find sufficient success
Meaning: Working hard and smart ensures success
Fight furiously and finish fantastically
Meaning: Fight positively until success is achieved
Respect restores reserved favours
Meaning: Genuine show of respect can open doors of success
Double effort defeats difficult jobs.
Meaning: Increased effort leads to success
Grace gladdens glooming faces
Meaning: Allow God's presence to remove the fears in you.
Little love last long in memories
Meaning: Little good things matter a lot.
Rigorous route requires resilient character
Meaning:Difficult task requires determination.
True love is tested in trying times
Meaning:Real love survives bad times
Adorable adults avoid awkward attitude
Meaning:Role models should not misbehave.
Applied advantages attract outstanding success
Meaning:Personal talents well used lead to huge success
Sun set stories stick to memories
Meaning: Tales by moon light remain in memories.
Faith fortifies firm foundation
Meaning: Strong life foundation are made stronger by faith.
Correct culture cures condemned conscience
Meaning: Right attitude removes bad habit.
Social stigmatization sinks creativity
Meaning:Stigmatization damages creative mind.
Dependable drivers drive diligently
Meaning:Trusted persons watch their foot steps.
Nurtured talent thrive tremendously
Meaning: Continuously training brightens each gift or talent.
Division deepens disunity
Meaning:The more divided a group is,the wider their disunity.
Busy minds effectively emboldens creativity
Meaning: Positively occupied mind grows in creativity
Attitude adjusted appropriately drives personal development
Meaning Moving from negative to positive attitude grows the character of an individual.
Goal getters grab golden opportunities
Meaning:Smart people do not lose important opportunities.
Listening ears lift a leader
Meaning:Carrying the led along makes a great leader.
Creative minds trash trivial issues
Meaning:Smart people ignore petty things.
Faith fixes fallen future
Meaning:Faith in God and personal determination brightens a bleak future.
Great giants go for glorious heights
Meaning:Real successful persons go for the next level of excellence
Money masters maximize every minute
Meaning:Time is money
Heroes defy daunting jobs
Meaning: The stout hearted do not fear difficult situations
Heroes of honesty encourage excellent enterprises
Meaning:People who place high value on honesty love genuine ventures.
Fine finishers find famous firms
Meaning: Successful persons are likely to find best opportunities.
Heroes of humility hate arrogant attitude
Meaning: Humble persons avoid arrogant attitude.
Failure fetches fine future when firmly fixed
Meaning:People who learn from their failures are most likely to be successful
Champions create chances for success
Meaning:Successful people create chances for success
Best brains embrace humility
Meaning:Smart and wise ones are humble.
Excellent ideas attract genuine success
Meaning: Beautiful ideas are more likely to succeed.
Gentle giants throw golden balls
Meaning:Real gentlemen go for honorable ventures.
Tragedy tests trained minds
Meaning: Bad times are trial times
Bold steps banish bad times
Meaning:Face your fears boldly and you will defeat them.
Large laugh liberates the mind
Meaning:Laughing frees the mind and makes burden lighter
Right choices rule success
Meaning: Correct choices control success
Smallest light over shadows biggest darkness
Meaning: Light is always superior to darkness .
Liberal minds listen to the word of wisdom
Meaning:innocent minds listen to the word of wisdom.
Humility nurtures word of wisdom
Meaning:Wisdom grows on humble hearts.
Resilience silences storms of life
Meaning:A mind that refuses to give up comes out victorious
Myopic minds miss wise decisions
Meaning:Short sighted persons always make the wrong decision.
The wise walk in wisdom
Meaning: The wise make use of wisdom.
Famous rules fine tune safety strategies
Meaning:Best rules encourage safety.
Homage of the humble glorifies God
Meaning: God likes humility
Sensible man sets his heart on wisdom
Meaning:An intelligent person loves wisdom
Tutored talents transform society
Meaning: A trained talent changes society.
Truth transfers positive influence
Meaning: Truth transforms the society positively.
Lies breed negativity
Meaning: Lying begets lots of evil
Caring compliments love effectively
Meaning:Caring and loving are like siblings.
Experience changes human thinking.
Meaning:Experience has great influence on humans.
Pleasant moments deserve precious personalities.
Meaning:Joyous times requires the presence of loved ones
Sincere personal examination uplifts the character of a man
Meaning:Telling yourself the truth brings positive changes
Trials are stepping stones to success
Meaning:Bad times when conquered make way for success
Contentment cuts excesses
Meaning:Personal fulfillment removes bad attitude.
Positive remarks boost confidence
Meaning:Pointing at positive qualities of people increases their confidence and helps them overcome their weaknesses.
Continously attempting trashes failure
Meaning: Trying without giving up leads success.
Inner peace promotes good health
Meaning:A peaceful mind boost excellent health
Humility dissolves weaknesses
Meaning:Humble people do not shy away from their weaknesses but work on them.
Wisdom controls human intelligence
Meaning: Wisdom is above human thinking.
Daunting duties demand deeper faith
Meaning:Difficult tasks demand high level of faith.
Power without humility turns tyrannical
Meaning:Power that lacks humility becomes tyrannical.
Time talks sense into attentive and wise ears
Meaning : The clock ticks without stopping
Happy family is the foundation for a beautiful society
Meaning:Good family makes a good society.
Broken home begets broken society
Meaning:Bad home begets bad society.
Success smiles at serious minded fellows
Meaning:Hardworking create chances for success
Little minds limit success
Meaning:Fearful mind prevents success
Real prosperity begins in the mind
Meaning: The mind is the power house of life
Famous kings feed on wisdom
Meaning:Great people embrace wisdom
Beautiful chefs adore cleanliness
Meaning: Good cooks do not joke with cleanliness
Every beautiful flower attracts attention
Meaning:Beautiful things are always attracted to the eyes
Prayers promote progress
Meaning: Prayers make way for progress.
Strength becomes stronger when rooted in God
Meaning:Foundation formed on God grows stronger
Hope without faith fades away
Meaning:Faith sustains hope
Clever captains compliment safety standard
Meaning: Good managers do not compromise safety.
Better boys borrow best quality
Meaning Good boys go for good character
Great girls grow in good character
Meaning:Good girls learn to behave well
Mature men master their character
Meaning:Real men exercise self control
Little lions learn lots of ideas
Meaning:Great children learn lots of good things.
Life lifts the lion hearted
Meaning:Survival in life favours the fearless
Several attempts secures success
Meaning:Ceaseless trials lead to success
Money never satisfies those who love it.
Meaning:Lust for money is insatiable.
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