Nwafor Blessing Ezinne
Nwafor Blessing Ezinne
9 months ago

Adichie said "this was love, to be eager for tomorrow"

I believe this with all my heart.

I want to believe this thing I feel is love.

This wanting to see him

his smile, the way he winks in greeting.

His gait, the way he walks like he's sure and not sure at same time

the way he has many questions but accepts few answers.

The way he's shy around me, yet steady.

Calling me "babe" I with that voice that wonders whether it would annoy me.

How hesitant he is to sit next to me

even the safety I feel in our silence. How I long to call him, to have him call me.

Love is something i always dream about

Walking along the street and holding hands

Coming back to a place am sure is home

Having a shoulder to lean on

A certainty that would last forever.

I have never seen love real life

That world shaking emotions writers describe in books

But I have seen it many times in my dreams

I believe with all my heart that my dreams would come true.

Someday. Just someday.

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