The Comrade Realm is a futuristic Miniverse on the Metaverse. It is occupied by humanoid frogs called ‘Comrades’.
The Comrades live in ‘Pods’ and socialize in small social clusters called ‘Cliques’.Comrades attain comradeship by joining a clique which is selected once comrades reach a sociable age, the clique selection process is random and involves 3 stages of selection based on the principle of randomness. Only when a citizen joins a clique before they may then add the suffix ‘comrade’ to their pseudonyms.
The Comrades are highly anti-social. Consequently, they haven´t advanced much as a species but have highly advanced and developed in individual cliques. Due to the highly competitive and secretive nature of the clique structure, the comrades do not share ideas as they are always looking to outrank one another. The competition is so palpable that each clique has its own unique secret language code only understandable by members of the clique.
Contests are often carried out inter- cliques but there is a possibility of spontaneous challenges and call-outs. Tokens and social creds are rewarded to winning cliques and for outstanding individual performances, the contests usually feature games and tasks aimed at pitting cliques against each other in bouts of wit, tact and strategy.
The clique ranking system also bases the hierarchy of cliques on the net value of comrades in the clique. The ranking metric is ‘Points’. To determine the rank of a clique, the points of all the comrades are calculated and each clique is ranked based on the total points. Aside from the points the cliques can win, Comrades can acquire individual points and social creds by participating in individual contests and by providing value for the Comrade Realm.
The legal tender of the realm is ‘Sapary’ and the Law enforcement mechanism is the ‘Time Debit Force’.
The Comrade Realm is ruled by the tyranny of ‘Sapa’. Sapa as cunningly advised by ‘Dandy Comrade’ has set up this rigid economic and social system, aimed at taking advantage of the comrade realm to profit at humongous margins and incite vanity and distraction to consequently quell any possibility of Insurrection. Sapa was a scientist who had advanced knowledge and skillsets even the most rated cliques could only wish to possess. He designed for and acted as a consultant to all the cliques, this gave him access to the technology of each clique and the secrets they held. He learned the Language code of every clique as he had consulted for the whole realm and had access to their data banks.
Sapa was severely antisocial and only interacted with his highly efficient, but grossly sluggish apprentice ‘Hodlor”’ (whom Sapa forced to relinquish all comradeship if he were to work with him for fear of possible conflict of interest).
Another comrade Sapa occasionally interacted with was ‘Learned Comrade’; Lawyer and Tutor. The only one who nearly matched Sapa’s intellect and knowledge. Sapa also interacted with “Elder Comrade” who was the oldest living comrade in the realm.
During one of his experiments into the tangibility of abstract concepts, Sapa discovered a debt mechanism which offered comrades the possibility of harnessing one’s timeline and borrowing money and good fortune from their future selves to pay back at that particular point in the future. He referred to it as the “Saparise Scheme”. The scheme promised usable and liquid cash and proved this with the first test subject “Wayray Comrade” who volunteered in a bid to clear accumulated debt.
The discovery was revolutionary and the possibilities endless. The comrades were enticed by the possibility of lending from their future selves at no interest levied on them, except a token entering a contract of servitude to Sapa in the event of failure to pay back the loan. This contract threatened anyone unable to pay back the loan with servitude in the ´´Trenches´´. This token was enforceable by ‘Time Debit Force’ headed by ‘Dandy Comrade’.
The majority of the Comrade Realm took advantage of the scheme and this improved the standard of living exponentially. Over time more and more comrades joined the scheme and even cliques took advantage of this scheme to boost token bank and social cred.
But there were a select few who believed in the inevitability of backlash from a procedure which so blatantly disrupted the fabric of concepts as principal as Time and Money and the sanctity of the original Clique Metric system.
They refused to take part in the Saparise scheme and evangelized against it, pointing out all the unanswered questions and untested procedures as recipes for disaster.
They developed a rival thrift fund called “Solvent” but it was no match for the influence of the Saparise Scheme
These comrades were referred to as “The Sovereigns’. The sovereigns were free from the hodl of Sapa as they did not take part in the scheme and therefore owed Sapa no token of servitude. They have immunity from the trenches and are not covered by the Jurisdiction of the Time Debit Force.
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