Once upon a time,
There was a happy fellow
Always dressed in yellow
And also knew how to play the cello,
He went by the name; Jackson Bello.
Bello was thin and looked like he did not eat,
When his mama gave him pie, he stared and sat on top of it.
When she went and brought him a little egg fry,
He cried and sobbed and did nothing with it
He didn’t wipe an eye, he didn’t drink his milk
He cried and cried for the cow in his meat.
One day,
when bello strode to school,
He ran late,
Sometime in the middle of June
And since he never ate
He had no strength to run and zoom
A try at it he gave
But got tired and weary too soon
By the time he got to school
He was haggard and tired and stained and dirty
By the time he gained his cool
And was no longer heaving and sweaty
He went and stood by the door to get ready to seem steady
But when he entered his class
All his mates turned to see who it was
Some of them mocked, some of them laughed
And most of them sat and pointed hands
To little Jackson bello
Who was now stained and smeared in his yellow
Standing at the door saying hello
And looking like a perfect weirdo
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