New Beginnings #ProwritersChallenge24 #January
Ash Grayson
Ash Grayson
8 months ago

New beginnings.

Back then, the sound of the word made me cringe. Sometimes, it made me want to gag. Until I finally understood…

New beginnings are the only way when you find out that things are going south. Sometimes, it feels hard to just make yourself try to forget everything you’ve done in the past and move on- all the mistakes, the joys, the laughs, the tears. Everything.

Growth is the key. Growing isn’t just by figuring out that you’re past 18 now, so you are an adult. No. Growing comes from the mind. Growing is when you stop fooling around. I have seen some men of 50 who still behave like kids. All they do is live up to the parable- a fool at forty, is a fool forever.

To know someone who has actually grown, keenly watch their character, their attitude, everything.

Learning to adopt a new beginning and move on is just another level of growth.

Before starting a new beginning, it is advisable to cry. Let the tears roll. Write your past misdeeds in a paper and burn it. The peace that comes with that is something else.

Some people might taunt you, but its your job to realize that you are grown now. So just take a breath and relax. Just the way you have started afresh, that is how the whole world will look new for you. Starting afresh is therapeutic and cathartic.

I started life afresh, after committing too many mistakes. I felt refreshed after crying and burning those written notes. I didn’t regret it once. If you ask me, it’s a hundred times better than committing suicide.

Committing suicide doesn’t give any joy. It just cuts your beautiful life short. It just takes your beautiful soul away. And it happens through a painful process- usually.

So why not forget all your past sins today and move on? Forget those bad things and cry. Burn those notes, cry and sleep. Wake up with a new mindset.

Start a new beginning like I did.

With all my love,

Ash Grayson.

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