The stranger is here
A familiar foe
Yes, he made you see the glamour in the mundane
But he has returned to collect
Ready to bury you, soul first
With a grin and a spade
This is warfare
A moment of silence
Judging the devil
Dodging the devil
Sometimes life blows chaos in your direction
It could make you blind
Might go further to quake the cornerstone of your existence
Even flip it around
You do not know what you are fighting for
But you will fight for it
The weight of now will one day shift
But how quickly can that happen?
You are not too pure to be a villain
I am telling you now
Saints can be violent
All saints should be violent
There are only a few chances to save your life
This is one of those
Be the first to pull that trigger
Cock the shotgun and bid farewell to the devil
And just like easter lilies
Your angelic beauty will never grow faint.
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