This week’s R.E.P.O.R.T
a year ago

(R)eading : organic chemistry cause I MUST not carryover this course. I’m also re-reading a broken peoples playlist cause I couldn’t remember any of the stories. 

(E)ating : chin-chin, specifically spicy chin chin. Don’t ask about it😭. I always end up in the toilet after but I love its crunchiness. 

(P)laying : broken by kaestrings. I desperately want to learn Hausa so I can know exactly what kaestrings is singing. 

(O)bsessing : over prices of skincare products. I just want to glowww, what are these prices. 

(R)eccomending : living places/people that don’t serve you. I’m also recommending detachment. Find peace and people that make you happy. 

(T)reating : myself to a solo movie night(on my laptop) because I had such a stressful week. 

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