Only Five Wishes
Essy Udeme
Essy Udeme
6 months ago

Dear ma'am,

In silver slingbacks, I watched as you took elegant strides to the news desk. A royal blue suit, impeccably tailored, hugged your form, with a crisp white shirt peeking underneath to highlight your radiance. Hair in a sleek ponytail and silver hoop earrings that danced around your glowing face. The presenters cheered, grinning from ear to ear, as you took a seat next to them. At 35, you were Nigeria’s new Minister of Education. 

As you parted your nude-colored lips, it revealed a set of white teeth that ignited even the charming Rufai Oseni and the eloquent Reuben Abati. A newfound respect formed in their demeanor as they readied their questions. With every response to each one, I could tell by your eyes that there was the disbelief of a dream realized. You who yearned to fix the broken educational system now wield the power to do so.

As I opened my eyes, I felt an urgent need to meet you; so here I am, with a pen in hand, writing a letter, hopeful that you can grant me a few requests; a map that would lead me to you. 

DETERMINATION is my first request. In a world that revels in dumping its weight and burdens on our shoulders, it's easy to lose the will to want to make our dreams a reality. Cloak me with the willpower, the strength, the determination to keep going, to never give up.

I want to stay in GOOD HEALTH. “The greatest wealth is health” is a sentiment often underappreciated; and Virgil, the Roman poet, understood its significance. The journey to success can be impeded and become mission impossible if I am met with a disease or some life-threatening illness that'll compel me to drain my savings and all I have toiled for. So, I wish that I always remain in good health.

You know, I read somewhere that “ATTENTION is the new currency” and I concur with that assertion. You could be doing everything right but “if nobody sees you, are you still there?” Guide me on how to have people’s attention; show me how to share my story and they would listen”.

Is it alright to ask for LUCK too? I've witnessed it play out on several times, so why wouldn't I believe in its existence? That stroke of fortune, the tremendous leap that could change the complexion of your life. In divine terms, we refer to it as “grace” which might actually resonate better. They say “Luck never gives, it only lends”, so please lead it my way and show me how to leverage that loan to good use, for unlike attention, luck comes to you.

In all of this, PROTECT MY LOVED ONES. Keep them alive, keep them safe. Is it really a win when your loved ones can't celebrate with you? Some have toiled hard for me, and some have shared in my struggles. Keep them alive and strong for my win, is their win.

These five requests, dear Minister, are all that I wish for. Grant them unto me, for I am you, and we need to look back on this day and smile with a sense of accomplishment.

Yours Sincerely,

Your mirror!

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