My heart is lost
Like a drop in the wave
My heart is pained
Like the taunting beating of drums
My heart quivers
Like a cold shower in winter
My heart is paled
Like a leprous being
My heart is anxious
Like a child seeking for knowledge beyond his world
My heart is heavy
Like a beast of burden
My heart worries
Because of the transcendence of life
My heart is optimistic
It has chosen not to be pessimistic
My heart is cold
Like ice,it's no longer feels emotions
Like a motionless rock
It lacks empathy and compassion
I am the one whose eyes shine amidst the stars
I am the one who sing amidst the water fall
With silent droplet of tears
Cold enough to freeze a heart
My voice echoes through streams,listen to me
For I sing songs of solitude and cry tears of solitary
In this cold, quiet place
Where my voice echoes within walls
Hear my whispering tears through those walls
And listen to my voice of revolutionary thoughts
For it lies underneath those innocent smiles
Burning with the fury of hades
Waiting patiently for an explosive moment....
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