This is a short note is for you, Writer. You’ve probably read Letters to a Young Poet already, or Eight Lessons to a Young Writer, or some other guiding work on how to do this thing you so desperately want to do, want to be. This note will explain more.
Give. Give yourself to the pieces that you write. Give your time, your energy and your experiences. Like every venture that you take on, this will demand all these and more from you. But in giving, be wise. Prioritize yourself even in your generosity towards your work. Do not give so much that you lose your own self. You must remember that the piece is not an extension of you, and does not define you and so must not be a leech in your life.
This might sound counter to what you read in the two classics. But writer, you too must take care of yourself outside of this creative pursuit. Because it is in this loving preservation that you are able provide more creative works. So by all means, give. But give carefully, lovingly and wisely.
Other advice include;
Nourish yourself with works from others. Good and bad. Overrated and underrated.
Record and reread your works. On a blog publicly, in your personal journals, on your note apps. When a line comes to you, scribble it. An idea rushes to your head, document it. Do not ignore trickles. Most of life’s good come in trickles, treasure yours.
Fear nothing and no one. Not the opinion of others, not a character in your work, and definitely not AI. AI might imitate you, but it will never have the creative power that you possess.
Finally, come back to read this note, Writer. I wrote it just for you, and you, Dolapo.
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