Q- In one sentence, tell us about yourself!
I’m Rane Muze, I model, I really enjoy it, & a bunch of other stuff but you said one sentence.
Q- How did you go into modelling ? What made you decide to be a model?
I mean, growing up everyone always said, you should model! Probably because I fit the aesthetic but I got into modeling properly I think in 2018? Just by doing shoots with people and it helped that four of my friends are photographers.
For the decision part, it just happened
Q- What's the hardest part about being a model and what's the best part?
Hardest part, I think for me was when I was actively trying to get signed. Rejections sucked. Also not remembering to eat on the day of a shoot and being exhausted at the end of the day lmao.
Best part, the set. Everything just comes together and even if I wasn’t a model, I’d still enjoy that part. I just love it even everything works.
Q- You recently walked on a runway way for denim god and you were also on an art project titled "last time I saw you". How was the experience?
Walking for Dnmgd’s show felt good. Loved seeing most of the creatives in Calabar in one place. And you could tell he put in so much work and thought into the pieces and the location for the show.
Working on “The Last Time I saw Her” with Ogaga was very random. I think that project showed me how much better it could get and seeing the pictures be exhibited felt surreal.
Plus everyone on the team made the entire thing a lot better. I’ve lowkey worn the Kye dress from Darök twice, they should name it after me😂
Q- Asides modeling who is muzerane? Do you have any other interests or career paths you'd love to go into?
I love baking and would like to explore that too.
Q- What has been your most memorable modeling experience so far?
The most memorable collaboration with a designer is George for Darök. And photographer, Haniff. I love his photography style and it kinda shaped what I expect from future projects.
Q- Tell us about a challenge you faced while modelling
Not being able to get the clothes I want for a particular look. Sourcing for outfits myself used to be a lot. Glad there’s stylists now that can help put things together.
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